CALL FOR ACTIONS and Alfonso Maillo Prize

“As a special recognition of the professional career of one of the world’s leading experts in waste management and treatment”


Purpose of the call

Recuwaste launches a Call to Actions inviting to submit Circular Economy solutions/projects for Municipal Waste Management and to opt for the Alfonso Maillo Prize that will be awarded during the Recuwaste 2023 congress, on November 15th  in Mataró (Barcelona).

With this invitation to present work at the Congress, RECUWASTE wants to contribute to publicising outstanding public and private innovative initiatives in the field of waste prevention and management.

The congress will have a poster exhibition space with the 10 best initiatives that the organization will select from among all the ones received with this call. The 10 exhibited projects will be eligible for the Alfonso Maillo prize, which awards a cash prize of €1,000 to the best poster, chosen through the voting of those attending the congress.

The 10 chosen projects:

  • can appear as a poster at the Recuwaste congress,
  • will be part of the Recuwaste 2023 catalogue that will be published at the end of the congress,
  • will have free access to the Recuwaste 2023 conferences for three people,
  • On November 15th they will have 3 minutes to present the project in front of the whole auditorium.
  • In addition, during the following months they will have links with the synergies of the Tecnocampus University and the Chair of Circular Economy and Sustainability, participating in competitions, mentoring, networking dynamics and financing conferences.
Who can participate?

This call is looking for teachers, researchers, students, chairs, technology centres, business associations, administrations, companies, etc. with the best innovations and disruptive ideas, initiatives, solutions or projects within the waste management sector. Both natural and legal persons can be “participants”.

All those authors who are identified with this objective are cordially invited to send their proposals to the RECUWASTE Congress Organizing Committee.

Presentation of proposals

To enter the call for the RECUWASTE 2023 congress, you must fill in the online form (see link below).

Proposals, to be accepted, must comply with all detailed terms and conditions.

The online form will require, among other details, the following points:

  • Title
  • Brief description of the proposal (max. 300 characters)
  • Summary (max. 5,000 characters): You should include the strategic objectives, implementation context, added value of the proposal, method of resolution, current status of implementation, solutions/conclusions and any other information that helps to understand your proposal.
  • Keywords (max. 50 characters): keywords that you consider to define and characterise your proposal or project.
  • Supporting document (optional. Maximum 2MB)

The dates to consider are:

  • September 30th at 11:59 p.m.: Deadline for submitting candidacies
  • October 9th : we report the 10 chosen projects
  • October 15th: deadline for the chosen projects to confirm that they will make a poster and presentation in the auditorium
  • October 20th: Deadline for submitting poster PDFs for the RECUWASTE organization to take into production
  • 14th -15th November: posters exhibition and open voting (at Recuwaste APP)
  • November 15th at 9:30 a.m.: 3-minute presentation of each project, in the auditorium
  • November 15th at 2 p.m.: Presentation of the prize, at the auditorium

During this period, the Organizing Committee reserves the right to request any clarification or additional information about the submitted proposals.

The accepted languages will be English, Spanish or Catalan. Submissions in other languages will not be accepted.

Participation in this call is free.

If you need to modify or expand any of the information presented, please contact:

Evaluation process, confirmation and benefits.

The Program Committee of the RECUWASTE congress will analyse all the proposals received until the submission deadline. Among them, they will choose the best proposals to be exhibited in poster format in the common networking area of the congress. The assessment criteria will be:

  • The impact they bring to the outstanding themes of the Congress
  • Innovation of the content being provided
  • Originality they can provide.

All posters exhibited will be able to present their initiative through a 3-minute presentation as part of the congress program.

With a deadline of October 9th, the organizing committee will confirm the candidates who have been selected to exhibit a poster and make a 3-minute presentation, as well as their characteristics. Candidates must confirm their acceptance before October 15th. If they do not do so, it will be understood that they decline to display the poster and make a presentation, and the Committee reserves the right to choose another poster for presentation, communicating this to the new candidate as soon as possible.

All the posters exhibited will qualify for the Alfonso Maíllo Prize, which rewards the best poster with a cash prize of €1,000. Congress attendees will be able to vote for what they consider the best poster, and these votes will decide the winning poster. In the event of a tie, the Organizing Committee will break the tie and decide the winning poster.

All initiatives that have a poster on display at the congress will have 3 free tickets for the two days of the event (prior registration required through the technical secretariat of the congress).

If the selected proposals come from authors belonging to public entities, the organization may consider covering the logistics costs of the speakers.

Data Protection

The organization of the RECUWASTE congress undertakes to maintain the confidentiality of the proposals received (from companies or authors), they will only share them with the members of the Organizing Committee who will evaluate the proposals.

Once the proposal has been selected, the organisers can make public any details considered public (author, company/organization, title, abstract, website and topic).

All participants are responsible for the authorship of the submitted proposals. They own the intellectual property rights and, where appropriate, the industrial property thereof. RECUWASTE is free from all liability.

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